Q&A Interview

As a special pre-game release project, we had a Q&A interview with TTN, who was in charge of character design and original art for “Oji-Mama”!
1:How did you feel about being the main illustrator for your first adult game production?
First of all, I’m very grateful to be entrusted with this job. When I was given my first work, I was half excited and half worried, but thanks to a lot of help, I think I was able to work smoothly.
Not just me, but many people have put their efforts into the game! I hope you’ll have high expectations for it.
2:What do you want people to pay attention to?
I’d like everyone to take a good look at the amazing dubbing by the voice actors in the game.
I think the matching of the characters’ voices is great, and their acting skills are amazing!
As it’s an important element that contributes to the immersion of the game, I hope you’ll watch it with concentration! (It’s twice as good with my illustrations.)
3:What is your concept of character design?
When I first received the reference for Sisimaru, he was a macho-type character that I liked, so I had no difficulty drawing him, and since he’s a character who lives in the countryside, I drew him as simply as possible.
When I received the reference for Souichi, he was a character who lived in the city and had low self-esteem. So, I composed the character in monochrome and tried to give him a sense of being withdrawn.
I had a lot of fun designing both characters!
4:Any comments to the users waiting for the game please!
Hello! I’m TTN, who will be playing the main role in this game!
Since it’s my first time playing the lead, I drew with all my heart. I’d be very happy if the players enjoy playing the game! Please look forward to Oji-Mama!
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